SQL Tutorial for Beginners in 3.5 hours

Follow the below 18 steps to learn SQL from scratch.

Download all the scripts used from here

1) Install the PostgreSQL database & PgAdmin IDE tool from here

2) Connect to the Postgres server and create a new database named “demo”.

select * from information_schema.tables;

-- Understand what is a relational database?
Create database demo;

3) Login to the demo database through the PgAdmin tool.

4) Create a simple table

create table products
	id int,
	name varchar(50),
	price float,
	release_date date
-- What is a table, column and rows.
-- What are data types?

5) Load data

insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(1,'iPhone 15',900,'22-08-2023');
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(1,'Macbook Pro',2000,'10-02-2021');
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 

insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(1,'iPhone 15',900,to_date('22-08-2023','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(1,'Macbook Pro',2000,to_date('10-02-2021','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 

6) Read data

-- fetch all columns and rows from table
select * from products;

-- fetch selected rows but all columns
select * from products
where price > 500;

-- fetch only the product names
select name from products;

-- fetch name and display column name as Product_name
select name as Product_name from products;

-- give an alias to table 
select name as Product_name from products p;
select p.name as Product_name from products p;

-- fetch name of products which were released in 2023
select name from products 
where to_char(release_date, 'yyyy') = '2023'

select name from products 
where extract(year from release_date) = '2023'

-- get total no of products
select count(*) from products

-- get the average and total price of all products
select avg(price) from products;
select avg(price) as avg_cost, sum(price) as total_sum 
from products;

7) Modify data

-- change the price of iPhone to 1000
update products
set price = 1000
where id = 1; -- this will update wrong records

update products
set price = 1000
where name = 'iPhone 15';

update products
set price = 1000
where name like 'iPhone%'; -- this would update any name with "iPhone"

8) Remove data

-- remove products costing over 1000
delete from products
where price > 1000;

-- remove all products other than iPhone
delete from products
where name not like 'iPhone%';

-- remove all products
delete from products;

truncate table products; -- this is a DDL command 

9) Create a backup table

-- create a backup table of products with same structure and data
create table products_bkp
select * from products;

-- create a empty backup table with only the structure from products table
create table products_bkp
select * from products
where 1=2;

10) Remove table

drop table products;

drop table if exists products;

11) Modify table

alter table products_bkp rename to products; 

alter table products rename column name to product_name;

-- modify the data type of price to integer
alter table products alter column price type int;

12) Primary key constraint

create table products
	id int primary key,
	name varchar(50),
	price float,
	release_date date

create table products
	id int,
	name varchar(50),
	price float,
	release_date date,
	constraint pk_prd primary key(id)

create table products
	id int,
	name varchar(50),
	price float,
	release_date date,
	constraint pk_prd primary key(id,name) 
	/* allows to create a primary key with multiple columns 
	 (also referred to as composite primary key) */

13) Load data with constraints & Identity column

insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(1,'iPhone 15',900,to_date('22-08-2023','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(1,'Macbook Pro',2000,to_date('10-02-2021','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 

insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(1,'iPhone 15',900,to_date('22-08-2023','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(2,'Macbook Pro',2000,to_date('10-02-2021','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 

drop table products;
create table products
	id int generated always as identity primary key,
	name varchar(50) ,
	price float,
	release_date date
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(default,'iPhone 15',900,to_date('22-08-2023','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 
values(default,'Macbook Pro',2000,to_date('10-02-2021','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products (id,name,price,release_date) 

14) Create a Sales Order dataset

drop table if exists products;
create table products
	id				    int generated always as identity primary key,
	name			    varchar(100),
	price			    float,
	release_date 	date
insert into products 
values(default,'iPhone 15', 800, to_date('22-08-2023','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products 
values(default,'Macbook Pro', 2100, to_date('12-10-2022','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products 
values(default,'Apple Watch 9', 550, to_date('04-09-2022','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products 
values(default,'iPad', 400, to_date('25-08-2020','dd-mm-yyyy'));
insert into products 
values(default,'AirPods', 420, to_date('30-03-2024','dd-mm-yyyy'));

drop table if exists customers;
create table customers
    id         int generated always as identity primary key,
    name       varchar(100),
    email      varchar(30)
insert into customers values(default,'Meghan Harley', 'mharley@demo.com');
insert into customers values(default,'Rosa Chan', 'rchan@demo.com');
insert into customers values(default,'Logan Short', 'lshort@demo.com');
insert into customers values(default,'Zaria Duke', 'zduke@demo.com');

drop table if exists employees;
create table employees
    id         int generated always as identity primary key,
    name       varchar(100)
insert into employees values(default,'Nina Kumari');
insert into employees values(default,'Abrar Khan');
insert into employees values(default,'Irene Costa');

drop table if exists sales_order;
create table sales_order
	order_id		  int generated always as identity primary key,
	order_date	  date,
	quantity		  int,
	prod_id			  int references products(id),
	status			  varchar(20),
	customer_id		int references customers(id),
	emp_id			  int,
	constraint fk_so_emp foreign key (emp_id) references employees(id)
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
values(default,to_date('04-01-2024','dd-mm-yyyy'),1,2,'On Hold',2,1);
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 

SELECT * FROM products;
SELECT * FROM customers;
SELECT * FROM employees;
SELECT * FROM sales_order;

15) Foreign key constraint

-- Before foreign key constraint
drop table if exists sales_order;
create table sales_order
	order_id		  int generated always as identity primary key,
	order_date	  	  date,
	quantity		  int,
	prod_id			  int ,
	status			  varchar(20),
	customer_id		int ,
	emp_id			  int
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 
insert into sales_order 

-- After applying foreign key
drop table if exists sales_order;
create table sales_order
	order_id		  int generated always as identity primary key,
	order_date	  	  date,
	quantity		  int,
	prod_id			  int references products(id),
	status			  varchar(20),
	customer_id		int ,
	emp_id			  int,
	constraint fk_so_cust foreign key(customer_id) references customers(id),
	constraint fk_so_emp foreign key(emp_id) references employees(id)
insert into sales_order 

insert into sales_order 

insert into sales_order 

16) Dropping table with constraints

-- cannot drop a table which is being referred(used) by other table.
drop table if exists products;
drop table if exists customers;
drop table if exists employees;
drop table if exists sales_order;

-- First drop the child table which refers other tables
drop table if exists sales_order;
drop table if exists products;
drop table if exists customers;
drop table if exists employees;

17) Case Study - 20 SQL Queries

-- 1. Identify the total no of products sold
select sum(quantity) as total_products 
from sales_order;

-- 2. Other than Completed, display the available delivery status's
select distinct status from sales_order
where status <> 'Completed';

select distinct status from sales_order
where status not in ('Completed', 'completed');

select distinct status from sales_order
where lower(status) <> 'completed';

select distinct status from sales_order
where upper(status) <> 'COMPLETED';

-- 3. Display the order id, order_date and product_name for all the completed orders.
select so.order_id, so.order_date, p.name
from sales_order so
join products p on p.id=so.prod_id
where lower(so.status) = 'completed';

-- 4. Sort the above query to show the earliest orders at the top. Also, display the customer who purchased these orders.
select so.order_id, so.order_date, p.name as product, c.name as customer
from sales_order so
join products p on p.id=so.prod_id
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
where lower(so.status) = 'completed'
order by so.order_date;

-- 5. Display the total no of orders corresponding to each delivery status
select status, count(*) as tot_orders
from sales_order so
group by status;

-- 6. How many orders are still not completed for orders purchasing more than 1 item?
select count(status) as not_completed_orders
from sales_order so
where quantity > 1
and lower(status) <> 'completed';

-- 7. Find the total number of orders corresponding to each delivery status by ignoring the case in the delivery status. The status with highest no of orders should be at the top.
select status, count(*) as tot_orders
from (select case when lower(status) = 'completed' 
					    then 'Completed' else status 
			 end as status
	  from sales_order) sq
group by status 
order by tot_orders desc;

select upper(status) as status, count(*) as tot_orders
from sales_order so
group by upper(status)
order by tot_orders desc;	

-- 8. Write a query to identify the total products purchased by each customer 
select c.name as customer, sum(quantity) as total_products
from sales_order so
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id 
group by c.name;

-- 9. Display the total sales and average sales done for each day. 
select order_date, sum(quantity*price) as total_sales
, avg(quantity*p.price) as avg_sales
from sales_order so
join products p on p.id = so.prod_id
group by order_date
order by order_date;

-- 10. Display the customer name, employee name, and total sale amount of all orders which are either on hold or pending.
select c.name as customer, e.name as employee
, sum(quantity*p.price) as total_sales
from sales_order so
join employees e on e.id = so.emp_id
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
join products p on p.id = so.prod_id
where status in ('On Hold', 'Pending')
group by c.name, e.name;

-- 11. Fetch all the orders which were neither completed/pending or were handled by the employee Abrar. Display employee name and all details of order.
select e.name as employee, so.*
from sales_order so
join employees e on e.id = so.emp_id
where lower(e.name) like '%abrar%'
or lower(status) not in ('completed', 'pending');

-- 12. Fetch the orders which cost more than 2000 but did not include the MacBook Pro. Print the total sale amount as well.
select (so.quantity * p.price) as total_sale, so.*
from sales_order so
join products p on p.id = so.prod_id
where prod_id not in (select id from products 
					  where name = 'Macbook Pro')
and (so.quantity * p.price)	> 2000;

-- 13. Identify the customers who have not purchased any product yet.
select * from customers
where id not in (select distinct customer_id 
				 from sales_order);
select c.*
from customers c
left join sales_order so on so.customer_id = c.id
where so.order_id is null;

select  c.*
from sales_order so
right join customers c on so.customer_id = c.id
where so.order_id is null;

-- 14. Write a query to identify the total products purchased by each customer. Return all customers irrespective of whether they have made a purchase or not. Sort the result with the highest no of orders at the top.
select c.name , coalesce(sum(quantity), 0) as tot_prod_purchased
from sales_order so
right join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
group by c.name
order by tot_prod_purchased desc;

-- 15. Corresponding to each employee, display the total sales they made of all the completed orders. Display total sales as 0 if an employee made no sales yet.
select e.name as employee, coalesce(sum(p.price * so.quantity),0) as total_sale
from sales_order so
join products p on p.id = so.prod_id
right join employees e on e.id = so.emp_id and lower(so.status) = 'completed'
group by e.name
order by total_sale desc;

-- 16. Re-write the above query to display the total sales made by each employee corresponding to each customer. If an employee has not served a customer yet then display "-" under the customer.
select e.name as employee, coalesce(c.name, '-') as customer
, coalesce(sum(p.price * so.quantity),0) as total_sale
from sales_order so
join products p on p.id = so.prod_id
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
right join employees e on e.id = so.emp_id
and lower(so.status) = 'completed'
group by e.name, c.name
order by total_sale desc;

-- 17. Re-write the above query to display only those records where the total sales are above 1000
select e.name as employee, coalesce(c.name, '-') as customer
, coalesce(sum(p.price * so.quantity),0) as total_sale
from sales_order so
join products p on p.id = so.prod_id
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
right join employees e on e.id = so.emp_id
and lower(so.status) = 'completed'
group by e.name, c.name
having sum(p.price * so.quantity) > 1000
order by total_sale desc;

-- 18. Identify employees who have served more than 2 customers.
select e.name, count(distinct c.name) as total_customers
from sales_order so
join employees e on e.id = so.emp_id
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
group by e.name
having count(distinct c.name) > 2;

-- 19. Identify the customers who have purchased more than 5 products
select c.name as customer, sum(quantity) as total_products_purchased
from sales_order so
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
group by c.name
having sum(quantity) > 5;

-- 20. Identify customers whose average purchase cost exceeds the average sale of all the orders.
select c.name as customer, avg(quantity * p.price)
from sales_order so
join customers c on c.id = so.customer_id
join products p on p.id = so.prod_id
group by c.name
having avg(quantity * p.price) > (select avg(quantity * p.price)
								  from sales_order so
								  join products p on p.id = so.prod_id);

18) Next steps

a) Go to LeetCode (or any other SQL practice platforms) and practice solving all EASY SQL problems.

b) Learn the following concepts

i) Subqueries from here

ii) Window functions from here and here

iii) All types of JOINS from here and here

iv) CTE table (WITH clause) from here

c) After learning the above 4 concepts, you can start solving Medium level problems on LeetCode or other SQL practice platforms.


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